Drowning Dreams

30 Sep

it was only a split second

i went to step on the train but the puddle outside the door

was a deep, fast flowing river

i sunk and sunk in the stream

unable to move my legs.

kids, you sign up for,

and, they’re small.

aging adults, we don’t talk about much

because it isn’t pretty.

its years of things

falling apart,

with no guidance available.

i also dreampt

of 1,000 lbs of apricots,

somehow invested with a narrative, and

a book 3 decades late

returned with a $100 bill for the overdues.

one man had a heart attack while out west fishing,

and it cost $10,000 to get the body back.

so what she loses her keys?

i imagine myself on the phone to the police stn in Ireland

asking if his death was truly a suicide.



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